Comprehensive commentary and analysis of trends and forecasts helps you anticipate future movements in factors affecting your credit portfolios

Our forecasts for credit markets are based on UK macroeconomic forecasts and cover the economic drivers of default on your loans, together with net lending forecasts, projections of new lending, write-off rates and repossessions for the full picture.

Functionality that delivers your goals

Understand your portfolio better

Understanding the opportunity within the market, as well as paying close consideration to trends such as rising house prices and rising interest rates, can be complex for you to decipher and prioritise. It’s hard to differentiate between the assumptions, limitations, strengths and weaknesses of an existing credit risk model. Understanding your portfolio better can unlock untapped opportunities and highlight future risks. This insight can also help you identify your competitors’ position and refocus your business strategy and objectives accordingly. Ways in which our Portfolio Risk services can help include:

  • Benchmarking: Looks at your portfolio’s positions in comparison to your peers.
  • Lost opportunity: Understand the lost opportunity of customers you decline.
  • Forecasting: Determine the likely you portfolios future position and the general market trends.
  • Concentration risk: Provides a view of geographic, demographic and risk concentrations within a portfolio and the market.

How can I access Credit Portfolio Risk Analysis?

We will provide a solution that fits with your budget and requirements, but you can rest assured that our data is collected, compiled and delivered to the highest possible quality.

Request a consultation

The benefits at a glance

Quantify credit risk

Under current and future economic conditions down to the level of individual borrowers

Estimate and predict segment and portfolio-level default rates

Adjusted for economic conditions, which supports segment and portfolio loss forecasting

Stress estimates under different macroeconomic scenarios

In a coherent and transparent way for extensive scenario modelling

Industry-level benchmarking

Taking into account current and future economic conditions

Better understanding of current and changing needs

Through customer, market and competitor insights

Quantitative insights

Access to quantitative insights into risk concentrations

Instant-access econometrics

To understand future risk and opportunity

Support IFRS 9

Calculation of expected credit losses to support IFRS 9

Get in touch to find out how Credit Portfolio Risk Analysis can help your business

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