Single Person Discount Verification

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Providing citizens with discounts, services and benefits is an important part of the role local government organisations play in their community

So we understand the need to be able to provide them to your citizens with confidence. Our single person discount fraud verification service enables you to verify discount claims for council tax. That way the right people get the discounts they need while you prevent fraud and protect the public purse from misuse.

Who's it for?

Single person discount fraud verification is ideal for any local authority looking for an easy and efficient way to confidently provide council tax discounts to citizens living on their own.

Key features

Our verification service for single person discount claims uses a variety of data sets to:

  • Confidently and quickly approve and review single person discount claims
  • Provide a better experience for your citizens with a fast and flexible solution
  • Enable invest in frontline services with increased revenue by identifying fraudulent discounts

How it works

Our single person discount fraud verification service works by running your data against a variety of data sources. You then receive a summary for each resident with a makeup of the household identifying all of the likely occupants. If there appears to be people living there that shouldn’t be the house will receive a higher score showing a high likelihood of fraud.