Business Information Data Privacy Policy

This policy

We take your privacy seriously. This Privacy Policy explains what personal information we collect from you and how we use it.
We encourage you to read this policy thoroughly. To make it easier, we’ve broken it up into bite-size chunks and some longer sections. If you want to know more about these sections, just click on the ‘Find out more’ link at the end of each summary.

Who is Experian and how can you contact us?

When we refer to ‘Experian’ in this Privacy Policy, we mean Experian Limited.

Experian is part of a group of companies whose parent company is listed on the London Stock Exchange (EXPN) as Experian plc. The Experian group of companies has its corporate HQ in Dublin, Ireland, and its operational HQs in Nottingham, UK and Costa Mesa, California. You can find out more about the Experian group on our website at

Experian is responsible for processing the personal information you provide to us on this website and this privacy notice covers all the business information websites that Experian operates including:

If there’s anything you’re unsure about in this Privacy Policy, feel free to contact our Data Protection Officer at

What information we collect

We will need to ask you for certain personal information to give you the best possible experience when you engage with us (via our websites or otherwise) and when you use our products and services.  Note that not all of our websites ask for all of this information.

We or our third parties will also collect other information about you and the devices you use to access our website. We do this by using technologies like cookies. See also our Cookie Policy.

Click below to see what types of personal information the websites listed above will ask for or collect.

How we use your information

We use your personal information in lots of ways to make our products and services as effective as possible. Note that not all of our websites collect data for all of these purposes. For example, we only collect payment details on online products where you can pay as you go.

Click below to see what the websites listed above use your personal information for:

Further uses of your personal information not described in this Privacy Policy
If we use your personal information for any purposes that are not set out in this Privacy Policy, we promise to let you know exactly what we will use it for before we go ahead and use it.

What are the legal grounds for handling personal information?

In most cases, the information described above will be provided to us by you because you want to take services from us or engage with us and our use of your information will be governed by contract terms. Giving this information to us is therefore your choice. If you choose not to give all or some of it to us, this may affect our ability to provide the services you want, to you. In particular, we may rely on this condition for processing in the following scenarios:-

  • To enable you to access our website and use our services
  • To let you know about significant changes to product, terms or privacy policy and to send you service communications
  • To confirm your identity and authenticate the information you provide
  • To process payments and collect arrears.
  • To provide and improve customer support.

We rely on the consent ground for handling your personal information in the following scenarios:

  • Marketing for additional products and services from Experian or Experian marketing third party products and services we think you might be interested in.
  • Market research
  • Administration of prize draws, competitions, membership offers, surveys and other promotional activities.

Who we share your personal information with

We share your personal information only with those persons who need to handle it so we can provide the Experian products and services you’ve signed up to. We also share it with companies within the Experian group who manage some parts of the services for us, with suppliers who provide services to us which require access to your personal information only and with resellers, distributors and agents involved in delivering the services we provide where necessary for them to do so.

Lastly, we may also provide your personal information to fraud prevention agencies. This is to protect the Experian group of companies and our customers, to keep our systems secure, or where it’s necessary to protect either yours or our best interests.

Click below to find out more about who and why we share your information with others.

Where in the world do we send information?

Experian is based in the UK, which is where our main databases are. We also operate elsewhere in and outside the European Economic Area, so we may access your personal information from and transfer it to these locations as well. Don’t worry though, any personal information we access from or transfer to these locations is protected by European data protection standards.

Click below to find out more about where we send your information and how it is protected.

Still want to know more about the safeguards we use to protect your personal information overseas? Feel free to contact our Data Protection Officer at

Your rights to how we use your personal information

If our right to process or share your personal information is based on the fact that you’ve given us consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time by contacting us on 0115 941 0888

You can also ask for access to the personal information we hold about you and request that we correct any mistakes, restrict or stop processing or delete it. We will assess your request and subject to legal or overriding requirements to keep it we will act on your request, but please note that this does not mean that we will delete negative information about you if it is confirmed to be correct.  Credit checking relies on having both positive and negative information in order for lenders to correctly assess your ability to repay any credit you receive.  If that is the case, we will explain why. To request a copy of the personal information we hold about you, please follow this (link)

In certain circumstances (e.g. where you provide your information to us (a) with consent to process it or (b) where the processing is necessary for the performance of our contract with you) you can require that we provide the information we hold about you either to you or a third party in a commonly used format. This only applies if we are processing it using automated means. If you would like more information about this, let us know by contacting our Data Protection Officer on

Problems with how we handle your information or rights

We will try to ensure that we deliver the best levels of customer service but if you think we are falling short of that commitment, please let us know by contacting our Data Protection Officer on  You may also see our full complaints handling procedure and how to make a complaint.

If we cannot resolve things under that procedure, then if you are a qualifying business or an individual you may have the right to refer your complaint, free of charge, to the Financial Ombudsman Service. The contact details for the Financial Ombudsman Service are:

You also have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the supervisory authority that regulates the handling of personal information in the UK. You can contact them by:

  • Going to their website at
  • Phone on 0303 123 1113
  • Post to Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF

You may also have the option to register your complaint using the European Commission Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform This is a web-based platform that is designed to help consumers who have bought goods or services online to deal with issues arising from their purchase.

How we keep your personal information secure

Online privacy and security is the most important aspect of any customer service and we take it extremely seriously. We use a variety of the latest technologies and procedures to protect your personal information from unauthorised access, destruction, use or disclosure.

Click below to see more about our safeguards and security measures for handling your information.

How long we keep your personal information for

We’ll keep your personal information for the periods set out in the section ‘What information we collect’ above, and where we were not able to give a specific period, we will keep it only as long as we need it to provide the Experian products and services you’ve signed up to. We may also keep it to comply with our legal obligations, resolve any disputes and enforce our rights. These reasons can vary from one piece of information to the next and depend on the products or services you’re signed up to, so the amount of time we keep your personal information for may vary.

Click below to see more details about the logic behind how long we keep your information.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We can update this Privacy Policy at any time and ideally you should check it regularly for updates. We won’t alert you to every little change, but if there are any really important changes to the Policy or how we use your information we’ll let you know and where appropriate ask for your consent.