This is when we check the quality, accuracy and appropriateness of an individual's details (usually name, address and/or telephone number) against other information obtained about them to improve the quality and accuracy of the information on an individual for use by our clients in a marketing campaign. This is often known as 'suppression'.

We offer two types of suppression service:

General suppression

This is when we check the quality and accuracy of an individual's details to make sure our clients aren't sending marketing communications to people who have opted out, have moved address, or to deceased individuals.

Our marketing suppression & data cleansing services consist of several datasets which enable organisations to clean, update or suppress contact records (usually names and addresses) on their marketing database. These data sets allow our clients to remove or flag individuals in their marketing databases or in their marketing campaigns who can't or won't respond, helping our clients to make sure they aren't sending marketing communications to people who have opted out, have moved address, or to deceased individuals.

We use a combination of suppression data sources, some owned and created by us and others sourced from Third Parties. The Third Party sources we use for suppression data are described in detail in How we use your data, within the section Personal data.

Credit marketing suppression

We create and provide a set of credit risk indicators and modelled credit risk scores to our clients for credit marketing purposes, designed to help our clients understand an individual's likely credit risk and broader financial circumstances. We do this to ensure that individuals are removed from marketing campaigns for products and services that are likely to be less appropriate to their personal circumstances or which they are unlikely to be interested in. For example, this helps to protect vulnerable consumers who are unlikely to be able to afford credit products.