Customer intelligence

The better you understand your customers’ needs, the more you’ll be able to engage with them.

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How well do you know your customers and prospects?

The more information you have, the better able you are to deliver the right messages on the right channels to maximise marketing spend. Discover which solutions can help you gather – and manage – this information to reduce acquisition costs and boost response rates.

Gain a clearer understanding of your customers

Organisations collect a broad range of information on how customers interact with their brand, but this doesn’t provide any insight into what customers look like or how they behave within the wider market. The best way to increase your understanding is to compare them to the general population and against attributes not found in your data. Understanding the make-up of your clientele clarifies what the brand’s ideal customer looks like, which helps support planning.

Family in a kitchen

Further reading on segmentation

Get in touch

We can tailor our targeting solutions to meet your business needs. Let’s talk.

Deeper insight to drive market strategies and planning

Improving your industry knowledge involves developing a detailed picture of who your customers are – what drives them, how they’re likely to behave and potentially what kind of risk they pose to your business. Armed with this insight, you can tailor your strategies to appeal directly to your ideal audience, improving returns on marketing spend and delivering more profitable customers to do your door.

Group of colleagues evaluating marketing plans

Further reading on campaign optimisation

Get in touch

We can tailor our marketing solutions to meet your business needs. Let’s talk.

Predicting consumers’ behaviour

Deploying predictive model scoring solutions rather than focussing solely on a segment-based approach will generally boost customer management and acquisition programmes. Predictive model scoring enables you to identify more granular audiences – ones that are more likely to act in a certain way or be interested in a particular product. This delivers a framework where you can offer the right customer the right product at the right time.

Father and his daughter sat outside the car while playing

Further reading on segmentation models

Get in touch

We can tailor our marketing solutions to meet your business needs. Let’s talk.

More on marketing and acquisition

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